

Reddit の r/rust でスコア100以上の投稿一覧( 2023年下半期分)

Reddit の r/rust でスコア100以上をとった投稿を調べています。


Reddit の r/rust でスコア100以上をとった投稿をまとめてみました。 rust の英語コミュニティで注目を集めた話題をざっと眺めて探ることができます。 This Week in Rust や Reddit 公式の検索機能を補完する形でお使いください。


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投稿日 タイトル スコア 💬
2023-12-31 An investigation of the performance of Arc<str> vs String 133 52
2023-12-31 Rust for backend 135 144
2023-12-30 Writing a game in Rust — (the) Gnorp Apologue 137 22
2023-12-29 Rust9x updated to 1.76-beta - Use Rust on Windows 95+! 204 28
2023-12-29 Will there be a new edition of the Book in 2024? 102 35
2023-12-28 Why use tuple struct over standard struct? 123 63
2023-12-28 Announcing Rust 1.75.0 715 83
2023-12-26 The Rust compiler backend for .NET now supports closures! 296 31
2023-12-26 Why did you learn or start learning rust? 148 199
2023-12-25 [Media] Made a simple little raycast renderer as my first actual Rust project for fun. Inefficient, but I'm proud of it, and it got me out of a real slump. 260 27
2023-12-24 What hardware should I buy if I want to get started with embedded in Rust? 139 22
2023-12-23 Rustc Trait System Refactor Initiative Update: A call for testing | Inside Rust Blog 247 29
2023-12-22 Burn Deep Learning Framework in Rust: Year 2023 Recap 128 27
2023-12-22 Which web framework do you use in Rust? 166 124
2023-12-22 The dark side of inlining and monomorphization 137 48
2023-12-22 Memory safety is a red herring 157 80
2023-12-21 Orphan rule is so annoying 104 109
2023-12-21 Announcing `async fn` and return-position `impl Trait` in traits | Rust Blog 568 48
2023-12-21 Axum vs Loco.rs 117 72
2023-12-20 Announcing Continuous Memory Profiling for Rust 118 19
2023-12-20 Native, Semi-modern Windows GUIs in pure Rust 150 29
2023-12-19 Progress toward a GCC-based Rust compiler 213 77
2023-12-19 Introducing Native DB: A fast, multi-platform embedded database for Rust 🦀 230 89
2023-12-19 [Media] I had a custom Ferris plush be made and it is so adorable. 168 13
2023-12-18 Introducing Gooey: My take on a Rusty GUI framework 310 80
2023-12-17 TIL; we can add where clauses in struct definitions 187 44
2023-12-17 The rabbit hole of unsafe Rust bugs 201 60
2023-12-16 O'Reilly Async Rust Book is now in pre-release 400 63
2023-12-15 Oxlint reaches general availability - an alternative to ESLint that's 50-100x faster (written in Rust) 197 12
2023-12-15 Mindsweeper — a principled take on minesweeper written in Rust for the browser 182 77
2023-12-14 RustyVault: A Hashicorp Vault Replacement in Rust 138 51
2023-12-13 At Hasura we’re rebuilding in Rust, who else is in the midst of a rebuild? 228 99
2023-12-13 The NSA advises move to memory-safe languages 320 117
2023-12-12 Help us figure out which UI framework to adopt in Loco (https://loco.rs) 111 62
2023-12-11 Cargo cache cleaning | Rust Blog 223 41
2023-12-11 Introducing FireDBG - A Time Travel Visual Debugger 368 64
2023-12-11 I like rust but want to use Qt. 108 44
2023-12-11 How long before Rust clicks in your brain? 136 98
2023-12-10 Blog Post: Non-Send Futures When? 115 32
2023-12-09 Linus on Rust in the Linux kernel (December 2023) 232 94
2023-12-09 async generators on nightly Rust 151 13
2023-12-08 Command Line Rust is a great book 182 33
2023-12-08 On inheritance and why it's good Rust doesn't have it 123 215
2023-12-08 [Media] I'm comparing writing a double-linked list in C++ vs with Rust. The Rust implementation looks substantially more complex. Is this a bad example? (URL in the caption) 292 172
2023-12-07 Rust is the 5th most popular programming language on Reddit 316 79
2023-12-06 Cargo has never frustrated me like npm or pip has. Does Cargo ever get frustrating? Does anyone ever find themselves in dependency hell? 263 188
2023-12-06 nom > regex 114 41
2023-12-06 Databases are the endgame for data-oriented design 153 73
2023-12-05 My programming language aware diff for VS Code and GitHub now supports Rust 183 53
2023-12-04 loco-rs: releasing a framework inspired by Rails on Rust 354 105
2023-12-03 Does Rust have an equivalent to C's #if? 103 43
2023-12-02 Async is hard... but what if we avoid shared state? 181 100
2023-12-01 COSMIC Edit, a text editor for the COSMIC desktop, using ripgrep's grep library for project-wide search 194 33



投稿日 タイトル スコア 💬
2023-11-30 Three problems of pinning 151 14
2023-11-30 Rust temporary lifetimes and "super let" 281 71
2023-11-30 Is anyone actually productive in the Axum/Tower ecosystem? 103 44
2023-11-30 RFC: Make Cargo respect minimum supported Rust version (MSRV) when resolving dependencies 143 29
2023-11-29 Rust std fs slower than Python! Really!? 383 82
2023-11-29 https://github.com/actions-rs is archived what are the alternatives? 101 25
2023-11-28 The AWS SDK for Rust is now generally available! 616 71
2023-11-28 Rust in Chromium has been added to Comprehensive Rust 111 11
2023-11-27 .NET backend for Rust now compiles 1000 functions within core. 445 25
2023-11-27 Biome JavaScript formatter written in Rust wins $20k via the Prettier challenge 120 13
2023-11-27 New Tokio blog post: Announcing axum 0.7 457 105
2023-11-26 ripgrep 14 released (hyperlink support, regex engine rewrite) 302 36
2023-11-26 Lifetimes in Rust, clearly explained 142 18
2023-11-26 Rust global variables, two years on 201 35
2023-11-26 Thoughts on RustRover IDE? 106 161
2023-11-25 Rust Fanart as Anime character 105 17
2023-11-25 Improved Multithreading in wgpu - Arcanization Lands on Trunk 149 13
2023-11-24 best wishes for Creator of moka cache library which is in hospital right now 226 1
2023-11-23 Announcing egui 0.24 269 29
2023-11-23 GPU programming in Rust 167 40
2023-11-22 [Roast Me]Why I think C++ is still attractive compared to Rust 172 289
2023-11-22 You're a legend if after hours of coding, you receive zero warnings from cargo clippy. 132 46
2023-11-22 [Media] I’ve been learning Rust, so I’ve been converting my professor’s C code into Rust after class. How did I do today? 445 151
2023-11-22 Was anyone else confused at first about the purpose of `use` and `mod`? 250 120
2023-11-21 Wasmtime and Cranelift in 2023 143 8
2023-11-21 What is the scariest rust compiler error? 197 153
2023-11-21 Competitive programmers using Rust? 113 82
2023-11-20 Check out Typst, a modern LaTeX alternative written in Rust 547 114
2023-11-20 What Are The Rust Crates You Use In Almost Every Project That They Are Practically An Extension of The Standard Library? 503 106
2023-11-20 What unstable / Nightly feature are you looking forward to the most? 152 163
2023-11-19 Strolle: 💡pretty lightning, 🌈 global illumination, 📈 progress report! 221 39
2023-11-19 Is it still worth learning oop? 103 167
2023-11-19 Cool desktop app I made in Rust 193 33
2023-11-17 Rocket v0.5: Stable, Async, Feature Packed 459 39
2023-11-17 GxHash - A new (extremely) fast and robust hashing algorithm 🚀 328 60
2023-11-17 CodeCrafters recommendation removed from rustlings 121 12
2023-11-17 Anyone know of any decent alternatives to rust-analyzer, because I'm kind of sick of it's memory usage. 109 81
2023-11-16 Announcing Rust 1.74 | Rust Blog 454 72
2023-11-15 Our Vision for the Rust Specification | Inside Rust Blog 210 8
2023-11-15 hyper v1: protective and efficient HTTP for all. 579 29
2023-11-15 Itertools 0.12.0 is out! 208 19
2023-11-15 Rust vs Zig discussion - with creators of Bun, Tokio, Turso 168 65
2023-11-14 Most Impressive Game I've Seen Written in Rust 363 74
2023-11-14 What’s the logic behind not being able to index with numeric types other than usize 117 118
2023-11-14 The Prettier Challenge: Rewriting Prettier in Rust 101 9
2023-11-14 Rustlings is the greatest thing ever 381 29
2023-11-13 What is current state of plotting and data visualization in Rust? 116 84
2023-11-11 New lifetime capture rules for Rust 2024 edition [Accepted RFC] 245 16
2023-11-10 Arete v0.1 - a fast game engine for unified-memory platforms 105 24
2023-11-10 Is Rust a good language for government systems, voting systems and systems requiring transparency and tamper proofing? 134 181
2023-11-10 How I Improved My Rust Compile Times by 75% 133 31
2023-11-09 Faster compilation with the parallel front-end in nightly | Rust Blog 513 95
2023-11-09 Does server written in Rust need containerization? 105 89
2023-11-08 Variadic generics, again 153 42
2023-11-08 It’s official: Ferrocene is ISO 26262 and IEC 61508 qualified! 867 102
2023-11-07 A four year plan for async Rust 445 97
2023-11-07 Made-in-Rust Hydrofoil Generation v1.0 just released on Steam and it's now out of Early Access 156 36
2023-11-06 Rust and productivity 210 107
2023-11-06 Aiming for '10x faster' by taking charge of the compiler backend 155 26
2023-11-05 I made sshx: an app that lets you share collaborative terminals over the web, with live cursors on an infinite canvas (Rust+Svelte) 135 20
2023-11-05 (Machine Learning) I spent 12+ hours trying to interface with Python/Pytorch/Tensorflow before learning about a new pure-Rust Tensor implementation from Hugging Face called "Candle". By comparison, it's been a joy to work with so far. 144 15
2023-11-04 Bevy 0.12 648 91
2023-11-04 Rust GUIs: Why are modern graphics APIs so heavy? 201 73
2023-11-03 [Media] And I thought node_modules was big. A single Rust project takes up 6.3 GB 309 109
2023-11-03 Rust Vector Database is now powering X (Twitter) 212 27
2023-11-03 If C++ were safe, is there any point to Rust? 164 245
2023-11-03 Is Ada safer than Rust? 173 147
2023-11-02 Microsoft is doubling down on Rust 1007 123
2023-11-02 The Binder Linux driver is being rewritten in Rust 433 42
2023-11-02 [Media] rust_analyzer suggest to convert json block to rust struct 179 33
2023-11-02 Vivo just launched a completely-new OS written in Rust 265 63
2023-11-01 evcxr (Rust REPL) is an incredible tool! 102 32
2023-11-01 Bjarne Stroustrup’s Plan for Bringing Safety to C++ and his arguments against switching to another language. What do you think? 210 168



投稿日 タイトル スコア 💬
2023-10-31 Lapce code editor release v0.3.0 284 58
2023-10-31 Progress report on rustc_codegen_cranelift (Oct 2023) 306 23
2023-10-30 [RELEASE] RustyDHCP - A simple and zero-dependency and zero-unsafe IPV4 DHCP server written in Rust. 156 50
2023-10-30 What things in Rust don't make the same sense as in other languages? 129 121
2023-10-29 Is having long functions common in rust? 132 67
2023-10-29 Best and easy GUI for rust in 2023? 114 77
2023-10-28 I'm making a php interpreter in rust 103 30
2023-10-27 Rust HTTP libraries getting slower? 132 25
2023-10-26 Was Rust Worth It? 169 174
2023-10-25 It seems that some authors make ground-less claims about Rust 171 99
2023-10-25 Helix Editor 23.10 Release Notes 237 59
2023-10-25 flawless - durable execution engine for rust 123 33
2023-10-24 Generators are dead, long live coroutines, generators are back | Inside Rust Blog 312 90
2023-10-24 Miri tells me that my safe code leaks memory 120 39
2023-10-22 What is your favorite IDE for rust and why? 110 258
2023-10-22 Does ownership not apply to integers? 106 54
2023-10-21 [Media] I made a Fuzzy Controller System to control a simulated drone 614 35
2023-10-21 Do the advantages of Rust begin to disappear when you start writing complex parallel code? 162 63
2023-10-21 Yazi v0.1.5 released - the biggest update ever 123 11
2023-10-20 Analyzing Data 180,000x Faster with Rust 199 18
2023-10-20 ADT’s have spoiled me 188 86
2023-10-20 Book on Rust macros 133 22
2023-10-20 [Media] I made a DNS server (That acts like a proxy and black-hole) in Rust 304 20
2023-10-19 Everyone says why you should use Rust, but what are some reasons/use cases where you WOULDN'T recommend it(over something like C++)? 232 233
2023-10-19 Implementing (part of) a BitTorrent client [video] 123 2
2023-10-19 Should I develop my project in Rust or continue with C++? 108 103
2023-10-19 blaze - improve Apache Spark 's performance by rewriting its runtime in Rust 123 15
2023-10-18 Sorting tuple of types at compile time: I wanted to know if I could, no I'm scared of what I've done. 148 24
2023-10-18 My journey modifying the Rust compiler to target .NET runtime - Part 3: Interop between Rust and .NET 101 6
2023-10-18 If anyone is interested in learning gzip/deflate 101 19
2023-10-18 Announcing sonic-rs: A fast Rust JSON library based on SIMD. 118 38
2023-10-18 What are you all using as dev-dependencies? 179 55
2023-10-17 presenterm: a terminal slideshow tool written in Rust 126 6
2023-10-16 Nobody suggests learning rust as a first language. But did anyone here actually try that? If so, how did it go? 196 83
2023-10-16 [Media] Showcase: cross-platform DAW plugins #MadeWithSlint 114 11
2023-10-16 Rustc is now optimized with BOLT on Linux (~2% cycle/walltime improvement) 341 26
2023-10-16 Rust Logic Simulator 152 58
2023-10-16 faer 0.13 release, a general purpose linear algebra library 125 20
2023-10-16 A job board for non-crypto Rust jobs 161 14
2023-10-15 Why isn’t everything async ? 101 54
2023-10-15 Why async Rust? 381 97
2023-10-15 Compile-time checks in generic functions work, and you can use them in your code 125 32
2023-10-15 Async traits and RPITIT merged! 469 55
2023-10-14 [Media] I used Tauri to build a resource monitor. Here's the result. 361 26
2023-10-12 Chromium 119's Rust toolchain is production-ready 299 30
2023-10-12 Oort is a "programming game" where you write Rust code to control a fleet of spaceships. Your code is responsible for the engines, weapons, radar, and communications of ships ranging from tiny missiles to massive cruisers. 164 6
2023-10-11 hyper HTTP/2 Rapid Reset Attack: Unaffected 212 14
2023-10-10 Announcing Zngur: A C++/Rust interop tool 100 22
2023-10-10 I wrote my Master's thesis about Rust and found some interesting things about the Rust ecosystem 245 18
2023-10-10 Fun fact: size of Option<String> 166 54
2023-10-09 [Media] Introducing NeuralRad: A Next-Gen Radiotherapy Platform with Rust and WASM 291 49
2023-10-09 Bare-metal Rust in Android 122 9
2023-10-09 Why Rust doesn't need a standard div_rem: An LLVM tale 169 40
2023-10-09 Text showdown: Gap Buffers vs Ropes 217 54
2023-10-08 We made a fork of the Rust playground 137 37
2023-10-08 Is the Rust enum design original ? 104 145
2023-10-08 nvtop -- because for some reason we don't already have this? 130 19
2023-10-07 Clean Code, Horrible performance Rust edition ! 185 117
2023-10-07 Why did replacing Arc<String> with Arc<str> decrease my performance by 10-150%? 138 37
2023-10-06 Thread-per-core (work-stealing vs share-nothing) 253 85
2023-10-06 Designing the `#[diagnostic]` namespace 110 19
2023-10-06 Polonius update | Inside Rust Blog 279 27
2023-10-05 Announcing Divan: Fast and Simple Benchmarking for Rust 280 62
2023-10-04 Redox OS Development Priorities 206 32
2023-10-04 Strong typing, a hill I'm willing to die on... 115 38
2023-10-03 Elara: A free and open source game that teaches you how to code. Made with Rust & WebAssembly. 178 32
2023-10-02 ring 0.17.0 has been released 128 24
2023-10-02 Rust std for UEFI is now nightly 263 6
2023-10-01 people who have rust jobs - what do you actually do 374 305
2023-10-01 Leptos Release - v0.5.0 (Frontend Fw) 228 7



投稿日 タイトル スコア 💬
2023-09-30 Web scraping using Rust 164 21
2023-09-30 ε-serde is an ε-copy (i.e., almost zero-copy) serialization/deserialization framework 167 19
2023-09-29 influxdb officially made the switch from Go => Rust 497 96
2023-09-28 Was async fn a mistake? 224 86
2023-09-28 Announcing egui 0.23 198 27
2023-09-28 Meet `inator`, an evil parsing library 158 15
2023-09-26 cargo script RFC is now live! 122 33
2023-09-26 Why doesn’t the ring project work together with the Rust Crypto project? 276 15
2023-09-26 Qualifying Rust without forking | Ferrous Systems 160 14
2023-09-25 A Rust command that prettifies the ugly `cargo test` output into a beautiful one. 237 24
2023-09-25 Update on the Candle ML framework. 217 26
2023-09-25 Hot take: PhantomData should not be necessary 101 63
2023-09-24 Announcing Comfy - a new fun 2d game engine in Rust/wgpu 117 49
2023-09-24 I finally got to demonstrate "fearless refactoring" in action! 166 45
2023-09-22 Polonius revisited, part 1: the next generation of the Rust borrow checker 273 18
2023-09-22 Microsoft rewrote Azure Quantum Development Kit (QDK) in Rust, now it is 100x faster, 100x smaller, and it runs in the browser! 501 46
2023-09-22 The State of Async Rust: Runtimes 186 68
2023-09-22 microsoft/windows-drivers-rs: Platform that enables Windows driver development in Rust. Developed by Surface. 208 7
2023-09-21 Community Reflection on Bevy's Third Year 173 45
2023-09-20 Kellnr - The crate registry goes open source 179 35
2023-09-19 I never want to return to Python 304 200
2023-09-18 Nushell + Uutils = ❤️ 107 9
2023-09-18 aho-corasick (and thus the regex crate too) now uses SIMD on aarch64 (e.g., Apple silicon) to greatly accelerate some searches 217 16
2023-09-18 When Zig Outshines Rust - Memory Efficient Enum Arrays 255 86
2023-09-18 Switch career to rust 117 49
2023-09-17 Why is async code in Rust considered especially hard compared to Go or just threads? 135 60
2023-09-15 With all the commotion around JetBrains I would like to remind everyone about this license option. 174 94
2023-09-14 JetBrains, You're scaring me. The Rust plugin deprecation situation. 219 210
2023-09-13 Stabilization PR for `async fn` in traits 490 92
2023-09-13 SurrealDB the Scalable Rust SQL/NoSQL/Graph DB Released v1.0.0 Today 143 13
2023-09-13 Introducing RustRover – A Standalone Rust IDE by JetBrains 870 323
2023-09-12 wireguard-rs - library/crate providing unified WireGuard interface to native/kernel and userspace implementations 111 14
2023-09-12 Three years of Bevy 118 26
2023-09-11 What are your favorite (simple) Open Source tools written in Rust? 327 122
2023-09-11 Meet Yazi: Blazing fast terminal file manager, written in Rust, based on async I/O 258 82
2023-09-09 Rustproofing Linux (for anyone interested in linux kernel) 112 2
2023-09-09 Why you might actually want async in your project 240 49
2023-09-08 The Servo project is joining Linux Foundation Europe 173 8
2023-09-08 Very fast hyper and rust-based HTTP framework (much faster than Actix and other web frameworks) 103 50
2023-09-07 Roadmap to Tauri 2.0 — The Mobile Update 165 1
2023-09-06 Considering C++ over Rust 276 308
2023-09-06 Why did Rust fully specify signed integer overflow? 114 69
2023-09-05 My Node.js is a bit Rusty: a x25 perf boost by rewriting a Node.js module into Rust with napi.rs 230 58
2023-09-04 Is the development of Rust slow? 206 95
2023-09-02 GameRoy: JIT compilation in High-Accuracy Game Boy Emulation 177 41
2023-09-02 [Media] Introducing cola: a text CRDT for real-time collaborative editing 104 12
2023-09-02 Rust Web App Production Coding (Axum Full Course Follow-Up) 113 8
2023-09-02 Announcing Freya GUI library 193 36
2023-09-02 Rust as a general language 116 29
2023-09-02 Oort: a space fleet programming game 109 13
2023-09-02 Red Pen ❌🖊️ – Yet another Rust linter 210 26
2023-09-01 Why is Rust println! slower than Java println? 158 75
2023-09-01 Introducing picoserve, an async no_std HTTP server framework! 137 12
2023-09-01 Announcing diesel-async 0.4 143 4



投稿日 タイトル スコア 💬
2023-08-31 Making Illegal States Unrepresentable 132 49
2023-08-31 Why Rust is the most admired language among developers 377 175
2023-08-30 Announcing Nucleo: A fast fuzzy matcher library 184 31
2023-08-30 RootAsRole, a secure alternative to sudo/su on Linux systems is now entierly in Rust! 156 13
2023-08-29 Change in Guidance on Committing Lockfiles | Rust Blog 166 66
2023-08-29 Rust + Unity + Bevy for games! 156 12
2023-08-28 My journey of creating a proof-of-concept Rust backend, targeting the .NET runtime, in 2 weeks. 174 17
2023-08-28 memchr 2.6 now uses SIMD for substring search on aarch64 (i.e., a lot faster on Apple silicon) 152 19
2023-08-28 Announcing passkey-rs, the library that powers 1Password's ability to log in with a passkey 106 11
2023-08-28 [media] Alexandria - FOSS Cross-Platform E-Book Reader 338 25
2023-08-28 How many of you actually use/look for no_std in crates? 127 51
2023-08-26 Announcing Vincenzo, a BitTorrent client for the terminal 212 46
2023-08-26 Rust Cryptography Should be Written in Rust 251 82
2023-08-25 Stable Diffusion XL in Rust 281 28
2023-08-25 How to speed up the Rust compiler in August 2023 325 86
2023-08-24 Rust Malware Staged on Crates.io 278 117
2023-08-23 Picking the right Rust web framework in 2023 198 33
2023-08-23 What to expect from Smol v2.0 178 13
2023-08-22 I don't understand why I can't find a job as a "Junior Rust Developer" 158 121
2023-08-22 Am I the only who feels like an idiot? 192 171
2023-08-21 Just realized ifs can be nested in a different way 369 146
2023-08-21 Precompiled binaries removed from serde v1.0.184 710 197
2023-08-19 Rust devs push back as Serde project ships precompiled binaries 478 197
2023-08-19 Serde has started shipping precompiled binaries with no way to opt out 738 417
2023-08-18 Think twice before you buy Tim McNamara's courses on Accelerant.Dev. No refunds. 339 100
2023-08-17 The Dark Side of .reserve() 152 38
2023-08-17 pixi – a new binary package manager written in Rust 117 24
2023-08-16 Introducing `faststr`, which can avoid `String` clones 118 59
2023-08-16 Announcing adb_client, an ADB (Android Debug Bridge) implementation in full Rust 150 43
2023-08-14 I built a garbage collector for a language that doesn't need one 295 55
2023-08-12 cargo-remark: examine rustc LLVM optimization remarks 171 13
2023-08-11 I am suffering from Rust withdrawals 449 105
2023-08-11 Learning Async Rust With Entirely Too Many Web Servers 280 18
2023-08-09 🔒 TLS clients fully work with WASIX now. 129 35
2023-08-09 SpacetimeDB: A new database written in Rust that replaces your server entirely 251 149
2023-08-08 Is the Rust Borrow Checker Really That Challenging? 112 99
2023-08-08 Early preview: Candle - torch in Rust 208 27
2023-08-08 Rustc updated to LLVM 17, for ~2% compile time improvements 345 37
2023-08-07 Allocator trait 1: Let’s talk about the Allocator trait 102 15
2023-08-06 Ratatui is the official successor of tui-rs! (library to build rich terminal user interfaces and dashboards) 333 28
2023-08-06 Stable Diffusion in Pure Rust 383 53
2023-08-05 CachewDB - An in-memory, key value database implemented in Rust (obviously) 100 18
2023-08-05 Announcing theo: a vector graphics drawing framework for winit, somewhat similar to cairo or piet 133 8
2023-08-03 Polars is starting a company 636 75
2023-08-01 Honestly, how is Rust compared to modern C++ for desktop app dev in 2023 161 131
2023-08-01 Silly question: while (job) interviewing, have you felt having rust on your resume was viewed negatively by any interviewer? 104 86



投稿日 タイトル スコア 💬
2023-07-30 [Media] Ant Colony Simulation in Rust and Bevy, video is at 5x (code in comments) 572 39
2023-07-30 I built a column staggered keyboard with firmware written in Rust! 131 17
2023-07-29 Why do most rust tutorials push `println!("{} and {}", foo, bar)` instead of `println!("{foo} and {bar})`? 190 92
2023-07-29 Low latency logging 231 56
2023-07-27 Rust Tutorial That ACTUALLY teaches Rust? 184 104
2023-07-27 Llama2 Powered by Rust burn 204 24
2023-07-26 Mold parallel linker 2.0.0 released; mold transitions from AGPL to MIT 296 38
2023-07-25 Announcing Burn-Wgpu: New Deep Learning Cross-Platform GPU Backend 280 41
2023-07-25 Medical image retrieval gone blazingly fast and green 122 10
2023-07-24 Blog powered by Rust and Wasm 118 45
2023-07-22 `rtz`, an extremely fast timezone resolution library and free server, because Google charges too much. 592 63
2023-07-22 Fyrox Game Engine 0.31 166 15
2023-07-21 Talloc, a better no_std allocator 155 18
2023-07-21 Distributed computing in Rust 129 83
2023-07-21 Make invalid states unrepresentable 139 14
2023-07-20 Total functions, panic-freedom, and guaranteed termination in the context of Rust 153 59
2023-07-20 Why should a high-level programmer use Rust? 143 183
2023-07-18 libs.rs editing crates to add spurious deprecation/unmaintained tags 400 105
2023-07-18 Rustc Trait System Refactor Initiative Update -Inside Rust Blog 297 27
2023-07-18 New official Lemmy frontend being made with Leptos 160 21
2023-07-17 Announcement: All-in-one JMAP, IMAP and SMTP server written in Rust 320 56
2023-07-17 Iggy.rs - message streaming platform 138 66
2023-07-16 Learnings from making things fast 285 48
2023-07-16 Announcing charming - a Rust chart rendering library 392 45
2023-07-15 Rust Polars 0.31 release 132 14
2023-07-14 Internet Archive expands Flash support (using Ruffle, a Flash emulator written in Rust) 322 19
2023-07-14 Assembly examples of missed Rust compiler optimizations 317 52
2023-07-14 Zig moving away from llvm and llvm ecosystem. 269 102
2023-07-13 I have written a (toy) JVM in Rust 182 20
2023-07-12 Haskellers who moved to Rust: What has been your experience? 170 117
2023-07-12 I just want to say I love Rust 359 138
2023-07-11 Blog Post: Put a `Pin` on That 134 12
2023-07-10 Beating the fastest lexer generator in Rust 107 25
2023-07-09 Bevy 0.11 641 97
2023-07-08 Boa JavaScript Engine v0.17 released 112 22
2023-07-08 StupidAlloc: what if memory allocation was bad actually 433 77
2023-07-07 Is there a future for compile time reflection? 150 51
2023-07-06 PipeBuf: a more efficient alternative to Read and Write 121 17
2023-07-05 JavaScript and Python have made me realise why strong typing is important 347 110
2023-07-05 Announcing regex-lite (similar to the regex crate, but more lightweight) 119 24
2023-07-05 I Added CNNs and GPU support to my Neural Network library made from scratch + speaking about it soon at the Scientific Computing in Rust workshop 126 18
2023-07-04 Languages on the rise like Rust and Go are being quite vocal against inheritance and many engineers seem to agree. Is this the end of inheritance? What do you think? 284 212
2023-07-03 SQLx 0.7 released! Offline mode usability improvements, performance fixes and major upgrades across the board! 148 30
2023-07-03 Let else will finally be formatted by rustfmt soon 389 24
2023-07-03 [Media] My sister gifted me a handmade plush Ferris for my 22nd birthday 🦀🎉 786 26
2023-07-03 What's the coolest Rust project you've seen that made you go, 'Wow, I didn't know Rust could do that!'? 193 149
2023-07-02 Open-sourcing my Rust game - A colony simulator game similar to Dwarf Fortress or Rimworld (Bevy) 268 24
2023-07-02 Veloren 0.15 release: An open world, open source voxel RPG inspired by Dwarf Fortress and Cube World 141 8
2023-07-02 Why does Rust have the convention to omitt the `return` keyword when returning at the end of a function? 203 155
2023-07-01 We've discussed the name squatting situation in our team meetings over the past weeks and concluded that it might be time for a crates.io policy update 285 106


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